This is my sassy “I-believe-in-you” pose. I’m calling your bluff; your “I’m going to meet my goals in 2012” bluff. Be honest. Are you as far in your goal as you had hoped to be? Do you need some extra help? Try a fitness class....
No matter what your current or previous fitness level; you can start working towards your goal – today. You are worth the hard work you’ll put in to accomplish your dreams. Your health is valuable; no matter who you are, who you love, etc. Sometimes, I...
Make a Difference Today What are you doing for yourself today to make yourself healthier than yesterday? Having really big long-term goals can be great motivation, but sometimes the little things that we do day-to-day can have a really big impact on the short-term and...
Ask Questions to Protect Your Health So, apparently Washington D.C. knows what’s up. TSL recently covered this story and provided the following information: “A new initiative by National Lesbian Health Organization called Making Our Vitality Evident (MOVE)...
Hi, I’m Stacey
First of all, I’m so happy you’re here!
Wherever you are at, and however you feel, there is a place for you in this community. It’s not about “skinny” here, it’s about health and a whole lot of self-love in a supportive community.